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• Le directeur de publication : • Madame Letourneur Vanessa – Dirigeant de Normandy Panorama.

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Why would you choose me ?

6 good reasons to choose Normandy Panorama



book a tour for you and your familly only. I am a child friendly tour guide.


skip the lines

I have fast pass access to the different museums.


No stress

You only have to follow your guide.


A bilingual local guide

Save time and explore the off beaten tracks ! I know all the secrets of the region



an air conditionned 7 to 9 seater vehicule



This is your day ! I will set up the tour according to your time and your interest.


DDay Landings

Vanessa is amazing! We were a group of four from New Zealand and South Africa. We had an incredible day and learnt so much. Vanessa was so informative and her knowledge was superior to any guide we have had in the past. Really great to have met Vanessa and would highly recommend her. Thanks once again!

Vanessa Excellent

Vanessa has a excellent knowledge which is balanced in its interpretation of both Allies and German perspectives and has a good sense of humour.

Normandy Panorama tour was the highlight of our trip!!

Given our limited time in the area, we were only able to schedule a 1/2 day tour of the Normandy area -- Vanessa made it the most memorable part of our multi city European trip however.??Not only is Vanessa knowledgeable and personable, but she is extremely well informed regarding the detail related to the history of events that took place at each of the locations visited.??When Vanessa learned that my uncle had been killed there in Normandy on D-Day, she gave me assistance in looking up the location of his grave site and personally saw to it that I was able to get to the visitor's center and work with them to take part in a small and very touching ceremony at my uncle's grave site. My husband and I were so amazed as we were not even sure we would be able to find his grave and we were able to represent our family in tribute to my uncle because of Vanessa's knowledge and assistance -- This tour and this experience were truly the most memorable part of our trip and we are very grateful to Vanessa for making it happen for us. We would definitely take another tour with Vanessa and would highly recommend her company for any that are interested in a great Normandy experience.

A fantastic two day tour

Four of us just finished a fantastic two day tour of the Normandy area. Vanessa could not have been more knowledgeable. Of particular interest were the stories of individuals involved in the action that brought the landing to light. Strongly suggest doing at least two days with Vanessa.

A great guide made this trip extra special

Vanessa Letourneur was our guide in Normandy and she did a wonderful job describing the action that took place on the various battlefields we visited. She is thorough and extremely knowledgeable. Best of all she has a great sense of humor and an infectious laugh. She was a pleasure to be with!

So glad we picked Normandy Panorama

We spent two very full days with Vanessa. She was extremely knowledgeable and accommodated all our needs and wishes. One day in Dieppe and the other focused around Juno beach. Thanks!

A Marvelous Visit to Mont Saint Michel

I visited Mont Saint Michel with two friends in September. Vanessa Letour of Normandy Panorama was our tour guide. To say that Vanessa added immeasurably to our experience that day is an understatement. I had been to Mont Saint Michel once before; however, my two friends had not. On my prior experience on my own I had merely visited Mont Saint Michel. With Vanessa I understood and learned a great deal not only about what I was seeing, but the history behind the Abbey and the many details of the rooms and items that are there. Her stories and information were told in a way that truly brought the Abbey and what has transpired there over the centuries to life. Vanessa is extremely knowledgeable, personal and friendly. It was like touring with a close friend. If you are planning a visit to Mont Saint Michel make sure to engage Vanessa for that visit. You will be very glad that you did!

Superb Trip to Mont St Michel

My wife and I scheduled a trip to Mont St. Michel from Caen this May while we were touring France. I had been to the Mont in 1987 with one of our school groups from Park Hill and at that time we had a great guide who had a PHD from the Sorbonne on Monasteries and stained glass. Our guide Vanessa blew my 1987 guide away. She took us everywhere. I am still working on creating a slide tour of the Mont for my College history class. See answered all our questions, was very personable and well as a great driver. My wife and I had such a great time that when we come back in 2018 for our anniversary we are going to hire her again for some other side trips.